ADHD Coming Home


An online course to help you understand the narrative of yourself before knowing about ADHD, after you knew, the journey it took to get there, and what ADHD on purpose looks like now.

Who’s it for?

This 8-week course is the follow on module from ADHD for All. To enrol on ADHD Coming Home you will need to have completed ADHD for All.

ADHD friendly learning

Course facilitators, Alex and Katie, are both ADHDers with co-occurring conditions. The course is designed to accommodate different learning, processing & communication preferences. It includes group work, pair work, exercises and discussion, providing an experiential approach to learning that is engaging, memorable, and above all, fun!

A structured approach to understanding your story.

This follow on module is structured around the THRIVE Recovery model & Narrative Coaching/Therapy to help you gain clarity on how you see yourself, both prior to diagnosis (or before knowing) and then going deeper into what the story is about who you are now. We will explore our strengths and how we need to be systematic in compassionately shifting the often negative narrative view to one of empowerment!

  • OBJECTIVE: Reviewing learning in module 1 on Executive Functions and how we will use this in our narrative work and introducing the course outline and key concepts.

    OVERVIEW: Introduce the THRIVE recovery model and why we have chosen it as our structure to follow on from Module 1. Introduce the integration of Narrative Coaching/therapy, Self-Recovery & this module key themes.

  • OBJECTIVE: Taking stock of our narrative so far and how it has evolved, and how we will integrate Executive Function lens in this in narrative work.

    OVERVIEW: We use journaling and breakout time to explore our narrative and how it changes. We also discuss the importance of intersectionality, and ‘owning the hiding’ and why wasn’t it safe to own different parts of you.

  • OBJECTIVE: To understand how strengths work can shift our self talk and self perception when we engage with it systematically.

    OVERVIEW: Exploring the role of strengths and the shift from ‘doing to being’. Sharing personal stories and anecdotes of how strengths can invite us to move into the ‘Winning Triangle’. Discus when we focus on strengths, who do we become and how do we view others? (‘Giving an A’ mindset)

  • OBJECTIVE: How to deconstruct the stories we are telling ourselves through ADHD and intersectional lenses and then moving to strengths.

    OVERVIEW: We explore the importance of deconstructing narratives. Engaging in the process of narrative and how the different stages help you - using our own experience.

  • OBJECTIVE: How to normalise key themes which may need to be re-authored from a late diagnosed ADHD lens.

    OVERVIEW: Explore getting clarity on your ‘positive change narrative’ and your process. We compare measurement and comparison mindsets vs times when you affected positive change and the ‘art of possibility’.

  • OBJECTIVE: Gaining emotional granularity regarding our late diagnosis and understanding a non linear approach to emotional processing.

    OVERVIEW: We discuss the grief of ‘Woulda, shoulda, coulda’. And explore how ADHDers process emotions differently - how we skip to the end and work backwards. We also reflect on ADHD processing as non-linear with the relationship of disability and ADHD.

  • OBJECTIVE: How to move forward from an empowered place & communicating change to yourself and to others.

    OVERVIEW: We explore the ‘art of possibility’ at a greater depth. How we can move forward from an empowered place and communicate change to yourself and to others.

  • OBJECTIVE: How to own and appreciate the breadcrumbs that led you home and examine what ADHD on purpose looks like in a coach.

    OVERVIEW: This final session uses breakout rooms and group discussion to reflect on the learnings of the course and how we can engage these in our coaching. We wrap up with final words and appreciations.

What’s included?

ADHD Friendly Materials

As included in the course, you will receive helpful resources to aid your understanding and participation throughout the learning. These include PDFs, Pre-recorded audio conversations, videos, transcripts and further reading materials.

Weekly Online Sessions

Join 2.5hr weekly interactive online sessions via zoom. Each session is tailored to the needs of ADHD learners. There are at least 2 breakout room times, a comfort break as well and interact exercises and discussions.

Online Community

As a course attendee you will be invited to the Gold Mind online community - here you will be able to access all the materials, chat with fellow course mates, as well as get access to exclusive Gold Mind tools and resources.

ICF Accredited

20hrs CCE

This course is ICF (International Coach Federation) accredited.

Being ICF accredited ensures that by attending this course, regardless of if you are a coach or not, you will receive comprehensive training, possess coaching skills and be protected by the ICF’s code of ethics.

By completing this 8 week training, you will receive a Certificate of Completion and be awarded 20 hrs of CCE (Continuing Coach Education).

Fees & Course Dates

£850 + VAT (in full) - OR - £425 + VAT (2x monthly payments)

VAT chargeable from January 2024

Are you ready for this?

This course isn't just about being prepared to learn. It starts with you being ready to delve into deep self-discovery and committed to continual growth. The Gold Mind Academy is more than a training institution—it's a community of passionate individuals dedicated to making a difference through ADHD coaching. In order to be effective leaders in our field, we have to lead and develop ourselves. If you're prepared to join this transformative journey, we can’t wait to meet you!

What did you love about ADHD Coming Home?

“Just how powerful it was. I was in tears today listening to your demo. It took me by surprise, like magic. I love that an exercise on a course brought understanding I have buried. There are moments that change everything and I had that moment today.”

-Pilot Cohort Attendee

“I loved the continuation of the culture I loved in module 1 despite a new mix of people. It felt spacious. My feeling of the group was a ‘coming home’ thing. To do that in the first session, chef’s kiss!”

-Pilot Cohort Attendee