About Nathan (he/him)

In 2023, following a major health event, Nathan was diagnosed with ADHD—a moment that completely reshaped his understanding of himself. Committed to his well-being, he embraced this new perspective and sought out ADHD coaching to truly understand how his brain worked.

This journey led to profound personal and professional transformation. He openly shares these aspects of his identity because he believes that who we are—our similarities and differences—matters, and no one should feel the need to leave any part of themselves at the door. His coaching approach is deeply informed by an intersectional lens.

Inspired by the impact coaching had on his own life, Nathan trained with Gold Mind Academy to support others navigating late ADHD diagnosis. He recognises that ADHD is deeply personal and nuanced for each individual and believes coaching provides a powerful space for self-exploration through an ADHD lens. His approach focuses on helping clients learn to work with their brains rather than against them—building self-trust and confidence that is intrinsic rather than reliant on external validation.